KC Marie Knox Recognized in the Valley Lawyer Art Contest

Bass Guitar Lawyer ArtLos Angeles Attorney KC Marie Knox isn’t just a talented lawyer. She has a creative, artsy side that made recent news. KC was recognized by the San Fernando Valley Bar Association’s “Valley Lawyer” magazine for her painting of a (bass) guitar.


“Being a partner in a law firm, a mother to two wonderful elementary school aged children, a wife to a very patient husband, and just someone who likes to be busy, I needed to find a way to sit still for more than 20 minutes and relax. I took a painting class and Ioved it! When I sit and paint, I can put everything else out of my mind and focus on just what’s in front of me and truly create something from just three simple primary colors, and black and white, of course.”

KC MARIE KNOX is a partner at Hymes, Schreiber & Knox, LLP, a law firm in Woodland Hills focusing on business, real estate and wealth protection. She received her JD the University of San Diego School of Law and has spoken on various topics for the National Business Institute, and has served as an adjunct professor at Abraham Lincoln School of Law.

Read the full issue of August’s Valley Lawyer magazine here (KC’s mention on p. 37): https://sfvba.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/VL-August-lowres.pdf