Estate Planning Attorney KC Marie Knox of Anker Reed HSC to be Adjunct Law Professor

Attorney KC Marie Knox

Los Angeles Attorney KC Marie Knox

Los Angeles Estate Planning Attorney KC Marie Knox of Anker, Reed, Hymes, Schreiber and Cohen, A Law Corporation (Anker Reed HSC) has accepted an offer to be Adjunct Law Professor at Abraham Lincoln University School of Law.

Esteemed attorney KC Marie Knox will be teaching Wills, Trusts and Estates starting this winter quarter.

About Abraham Lincoln University School of Law:

Abraham Lincoln University (ALU) provides law education via online legal programs for those desiring to take the complete program online, but ALU does not stop there in giving students what they need. ALU offers an interactive education for students so that they know where to go to get their questions answered and to discuss classroom topics.

In-classroom interaction occurs on weekday nights and weekend morning classes. Students and faculty communicate through Live Chat Rooms, even during lecture time, allowing a free-flowing discourse. Lectures are recorded and are made available online for students who missed lectures.

Students also can set up their own Live Chat Rooms serving as small study groups. While traditional law schools and law programs in California have not fully embraced the potential for online student study groups, Abraham Lincoln University School of Law has been a pioneer in creating new ways for students to engage and study through our innovative online legal programs. Abraham Lincoln University School of Law will always strive to be at the cutting edge.

Follow the link to learn more about KC Marie Knox, Estate Planning Attorney in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, Ca.

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